Monday, February 7, 2011

I Used To Be Clever

Now I'll admit, I started the day out tired. Baby T really gave me a run for my money last night. She didn't feel good, and she made sure we all knew. And when I'm tired, I'm not on my game.
So this morning, when I noted that we were almost out of formula, I sighed. Looked like I would be dragging Preschool C and Baby T to Walmart. It's something every mother dreads.
We got to Walmart and I brought along some diapers that Baby T had outgrown. I wanted to exchange them for a bigger size. The return line was 4 people long, and only one person was working. Baby T began to fuss. Preschool C began to turn circles. Finally we were next in line when Preschool C said something he rarely ever says, "Mom, I have to go potty and I have to go RIGHT NOW!" So we go to the bathroom. There's no way to get the baby carrier, diaper bag, and purse in the stall so I wheel the whole cart in. Baby T begins to cry because she's hungry. Preschool C does his business and then needs help because, well, it was just gross. So I'm trying to help Preschool C and keep a hand on the crying Baby T who is also blocking all bathroom traffic. And wouldn't you know? About 100 people needed to used the bathroom during those five minutes.
So we get out and rush back to the formula. Me trying to push and feed Baby T and I do not know what happened today but Preschool C is going CRAZY! Not in a bad way, in a pick-up-a-million-things-and-put-them-in-the-cart-and-wake-my-sister-up-kind-of-way.
I went to use the gift card issued by my diaper return, and it wouldn't work. Crying baby. Crazy boy. Finally we get out of Walmart and home. Sigh.
And when I walk around the corner what do I find? An extra can of formula that had been there the whole time, thus rendering the trip to Walmart completely unnecessary.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Humiliation: The Sequel

      Still working on tact with Preschool C. Not making a lot of progress. The other day I was in a restaurant with the kids and there was an older gentleman with a brace and a funny hat on. Preschool C just happened to have his light saber on hand (imagine that). His mind is on all things Star Wars. So when I went up to the cashier the man, who happened to be at the buffet, was close by. I have Baby T and I'm not really paying attention, and Preschool C walks right up to him and says, "Are you the real Darth Vader or pretend? Where's your light saber?"
     Now I don't know if the man heard him or not. I was too busy grabbing him by the hood of his coat and pushing him outside. I can only hope that the man thought he was just a friendly little guy trying to start up a conversation and he didn't catch the whole Darth Vader thing.
    Another one, you ask? Ok. At the store and a man is by the carts. He's a very nice man and Connor says hello to him. The man says hello back and Connor says, "Mom, how come that man has a girl's voice?" It wasn't really that high but we pushed the cart on as fast as we could go. Because really, how do you recover from that?
     No worries today. Since we have an actual technical blizzard outside (that's what they say but I don't see anything worse than a little snow so far) I will be keeping both Baby T and Preschool C inside. Safe,warm, and far far away from any potential embarrassment!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tact: Definitely Nurture, Not Nature

I never know what Preschool C is going to say. And that does give my life a sense of adventure. It can also be really really embarrassing. We've been working with him for awhile now on being nice when spoken to, and it seemed like he was getting better at it. He's an outgoing friendly little fellow...most of the time.
For example, we saw a friend from church this week. She said hello to us and Preschool C kept saying, "How do you know me? How do you know about my baby sister?" We got in our van and he finally recognized who it was. Then he said, "Hmmm. I didn't think I'd see her again." I asked him why and he said, "Cause, I thought she was about to die." Preschool C is fascinated with death and the subject of Heaven right now. But that's a whole other blog.
Then we went through the McDonald's drive-thru to feed my sweet tea really is an obsession. The worker waved to him through his little van window. He yells, "Go away. Get back in there." She looked so sad. I thought I was going to melt into my seat. So we talked, all the way to the grocery store about being nice to others, hurtful words, and thinking before we speak. I thought we had made progress.
We got to the grocery store and Preschool C wanted to ride in those horrible carts that are like little trucks. You know, the carts that are totally impossible for mothers to drive, causing you to sideswipe innocent shoppers and knock off almost every corner shelf item as you blush and mumble apologies? Well, he was driving his little cart through the check out and the weekend manager starts talking about my little shopper that I had with me. And Preschool C begins to honk his "horn" and say, "Stop talking! Quit talking to my mom like that! Who do you think you are? Don't talk to my mom like that!" I smiled, bent down, and began to whisper various threats into Preschool C's ear to get him to just stop talking. Now.
Well, at least it wasn't as bad as a couple of weeks ago in Maurice's when he started telling everybody that I wasn't his mom...thank goodness they know me.
I got home and husband was in the recliner, holding my cuddly, smiling, ever-cheerful Baby T. My calm, sweet, predictable little girl. I told him that next time I run errands, I'm taking her!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well we are finally settling back into a routine after the crazy holidays!! Baby T got sick with RSV and went into the hospital on December 28. Since she started feeling badly on Christmas Eve, I kind of feel like I missed the holidays.
We spent New Year's Eve at home, alternating shifts of caretaking and sleeping. Baby T refused to be laid down, and we teetered on the brink of insanity from a lack of sleep. I think I teetered more that husband. I need my sleep.
So I FINALLY got my Christmas decorations down. I was taking all of our ornaments off of the tree one night while the house was unusually quiet. Husband and Preschool C had gone to small group, but I kept contagious Baby T home. She was sitting ever so happily in her swing, watching me take ornament after ornament off of the tree. I had to smile, looking at all the ornaments from the past, and the ones we had added this year. They all represent so many wonderful memories. I suddenly felt blue, thinking that Baby T's first Christmas was really not too spectacular. And Preschool C, who had reached the pinnacle of Christmas spirit, fully embracing the Santa myth for the first time, had been a little shoved to the side. We had made all kinds of fun plans for Christmas vacation, and we didn't accomplish one of them. I had worked myself into a pretty sad little spot. It was such a good pity party I could have sent out invitations.
And then I looked back at the pretty pink swing. And the beautiful smiling face of my healthy, happy, growing baby girl. I realized I did have some Christmas memories. I remember a very sick little baby. I remember how awful she sounded trying to breathe the night before I took her to the doctor. I remember sitting up all night Wednesday night with my husband, watching the effort she put into breathing. I remember praying my heart out. And I remember waking up Thursday morning to a smiling, wonderful, oxygen-rich little girl. I know that tons of babies get RSV. I know that it comes and goes quickly. But I also know that God was with us that night, and I am thankful. And that is really the best Christmas I could ever have.
And now we are well-rested. Baby T started eating solids this week. She licks her lips at dinner and joins right in. It wasn't long ago that Preschool C was doing the same thing. And now he has mastered his counting book and is writing perfect M's and N' all on his own.
I was talking with my ever-so-wise Aunt this week about how sometimes we set ourselves up with expectations. When those aren't fulfilled, we are disappointed. I had my expectations for the holiday, and they didn't pan out. But when I was able to let that go, I realized that I have something so much better. I have my family. I get to hug and kiss and hold them everyday. Now THAT is something to cherish in my heart.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Two flu over the coo coo's nest...

So, now Baby T has joined me in sharing the bug. Preschool C has never really had the stomach stuff. He has never thrown up in his whole 4 years, for example. I think this is because God knows me well. To know me is to know that I go from 0 to gross out and freak out in about 30 seconds. Put simply: I.Don't.Do.Bodily.Fluids.
And now, I open the diaper: OH THE HUMANITY!!!! It's pretty disgusting. I called my mom and lied to her. I told her Tessa started saying her name b/c she wanted to see her Meena so badly. I thought maybe I could con her into changing the diapers. It didn't work.
Baby T is still in a good mood. Lots of smiles and coos as long as I'm giving her my constant attention. But I was getting so frustrated b/c this is day 2 of getting nothing done.
And then...................(Drumroll) I got my first sweet baby kiss from my baby girl! All open mouth and slobbery. But a kiss nonetheless. And then she did it again! And I don't even care if she gives this to me all over again, because nothing is better than a baby kiss. Smiles, coos, kisses: it's so awesome when your baby can love you back. Totally worth rocking all day!

Monday, December 6, 2010

One flu over the cukoo's nest

So, I woke up Sunday at one in the morning, doubled over in pain. Flashbacks of the labor where I DIDN'T GET THE EPIDURAL IN TIME kept going through my head. (No, I'm not bitter. Really.) It was pretty miserable.
I spent Sunday in a flu-induced coma, dreaming wild dreams. Don't you just love those kind of dreams? Really, it was pretty fun. I dreamed I was on a boat, and Chad and Connor were parasailing. I got kind of freaked out when I couldn't pull them in, though.
I dreamed that Jesus was walking through Walmart calling his disciples. As Peter abandoned his cart full of Christmas things, I thought, "Wow, it must have taken him forever to shop for all that stuff, and he's just leaving it behind." Maybe I need to read up on the true meaning of sacrifice if walking away from a cart seems like a big deal. :)
It's weird to listen to your house run without you. Of course, every so often Preschool C would come in to check on me, wake me up, and tell me that Daddy wasn't talking very nice to him. "Daddy said to pick up my toys, but he didn't say please." Preschool C is very sensitive to the injustices in his world, like if someone doesn't say please to him. I missed hearing my baby girl coo and see her smile.
But all is well today. My project: Use an entire can of Lysol spraying my house down. Bleach clean everything I can and keep the rest of my family from getting it. It's amazing how behind just one little day in bed can get you. Time to play catch up! Sweet dreams, my friends!

Friday, December 3, 2010

May your days be merry and bright....

I'm having so much fun getting ready for the holidays around here! Every year my husband and I try to decide if we want a themed tree or not. We always go back to our traditional tree. It has ornaments from every year I was a child and every year since we've been married. Since my husband doesn't have childhood ornaments, I buy him one each year. And now I have the kids to buy for, too. I love the memories that we relive every year when we pull the ornaments out. There's the year I was totally into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, our trip to Disney World, the year I got engaged. I love the pictures of Connor's first Christmas, and remembering how he was SO into the Wiggles, Mickey Mouse, and now Star Wars. This year I ordered an ornament with their picture right on it. Love it!
Baked cookies with Preschool C last night and took them to Meena and Papa with a Christmas carol. He loved it. We plan to do that with other families soon. It's a good way to get him into the spirit of giving instead of only getting. I love Santa, but I think that sometimes the whole idea of Santa is part of the gimme gimme problem.
We are counting down the days with our little Santa chimney, too. Each day we pull out a "brick" and Santa falls a little further down the chimney. Preschool C reminds me of this first thing every morning.
I have so much to be thankful for this holiday season! In the rush of Christmas parties and plays and events, don't forget to take some time to just BE together and enjoy watching little ones celebrate Christmas!